Gr@v Seminar - Detection and characterisation of transiting exoplanets - 27 abril 2016



Detection and characterisation of transiting exoplanets

Susana Barros

IA/U. Porto


Abstract / Resumo

I will present my main research topics on transiting exoplanets. I will star by exemplifying the discovery of exoplanets from the K2 mission. I will present the K2 pipeline and show how we find candidates that are later confirmed with follow-up observations. Then I will present results of transit timing variation analysis of WASP-10, Kepler-88 and  K2-19. I will finish by exemplifying  the effects of stellar activity in transit observations and how they affect the derived transit parameters.


27 de abril de 2016 | 14:30


Seminars webpage



GAP room
Physics Department Aveiro University
Campus de Santiago
3810-183 Aveiro, Portugal