COSMO-16, August 8-12, 2016, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
By NelmaS on Ter, 26/01/2016 - 22:57
8-12 August, 2016, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
We are pleased to announce that COSMO-16 international conference on
cosmology, 20th in this series, will take part on campus of the
University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. The dates are August 8-12, 2016.
We have created the website for the conference,, which has basic information that
will get populated in the coming weeks. There will be a comprehensive
program of talks, special events, and activities. Invited speakers
(some TBC) include E. Aprile, L. Bergstrom, C. Boehm, A. Buonanno,
F. Bouchet, J. Carlstrom, C. Dvorkin, J. Frieman, C. Frenk, J. Frieman,
K. Johnston, M. Kamionkowski, E. Komatsu, J. Lykken, M. Perry, A. Riess,
R. Rosen, P. Sikivie and D. Spolyar.