Post-doc position in Astrophysics & Instrumentation at National Observatory of Athens
Post-doc position in Astrophysics & Instrumentation at National Observatory of Athens
Applications are invited for a 2-year Postdoctoral position, combining optical instrumentation with studies of the interstellar medium (ISM). Applicants with previous experience in optical instrumentation, observing and analysis of data, and the field of evolved stars and/or supernova remnants (SNRs) are particularly encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate is expected to be highly motivated and will work under the supervision of Dr. P. Boumis at the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens. A PhD degree in astrophysics or optics is a prerequisite for the Postdoc position. The appointment is part of a large program that involves the construction, testing and use of a new wide field camera (AWFC) for the 2.3m Aristarchos telescope, at Helmos Observatory, Greece. The position will be funded by the “KRIPIS/PROTEAS” program of the Greek Secreteriat of Research and Technology.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of current and future research interests (in PDF format) and three letters of reference, sent directly by e-mail to Dr. P. Boumis. Consideration of applications will begin on November 10th, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. A starting date in January 2014 is anticipated. The gross monthly salary is €1900.
Submission and inquires should be addressed to Dr. P. Boumis (e-mail: | tel.: +30 2108109162 | fax: +30 2108040453).
Deadline: December 31st, 2013