ISSI Bern, Post-Doctoral Position for a two-year period
ISSI Bern, Post-Doctoral Position for a two-year period
The International Space Science Institute, Bern, invites applications for a Space Sciences Post-Doctoral Position for a two-year period starting in January 2014 or by agreement. The successful candidate should have received a Ph.D. within the last five years in a field relating to Space Sciences. All applications must be received by ISSI no later than October 31st, 2013.
The successful candidate will participate in the Institute’s research and meetings programme and will work in close contact with the scientific staff of the Institute. He or she may also lead or participate as a member in projects conducted by international teams at ISSI. Thus he or she will be exposed to, and interact with, a numerous and varied community of scientists from throughout the world.
Nationals from ESA Member States shall have priority. Salary and conditions of employment will be similar to those provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Further information may be obtained from the ISSI home page ( and from Professor Rudolf von Steiger, phone: +41 31 631 48 96, email:
The submission should include a letter of application including a brief outline of foreseen research, the curriculum vitae, the list of publications and the names, addresses and means of contact of three references, not exceeding 7 pages in total. They shall be addressed to ISSI, attn. Professor R. von Steiger, Hallerstrasse 6, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland; email: Submissions by email are preferred provided all the documents are in the form of a single PDF file.
Further information:
The closing date for applications is 31 October 2013.