CAAUL Seminar - Towards a general classification of atmospheric waves on Venus - 24 maio 2013



Towards a general classification of atmospheric waves on Venus 

Javier Peralta

IAA-CSIC, Granada, Espanha


Abstract / Resumo

The atmospheric superrotation of Venus goes on being a puzzling phenomenon in the Solar system and is still considered an open problem in geophysical fluid dynamics. A general agreement exists among numerous works concerning the main role that atmospheric waves should have in the generation and maintenance of the superrotation, although most of them try to study the impact of the waves with complex GCMs or using adapted terrestrial dispersion relations by considering frames fixed to the winds. In this work I derive, for the first time, the dispersion relations for a wide variety of possible atmospheric waves in Venus. These dispersion relations are analytically extracted from the primitive equations under reasonable assumptions valid for the cloud region of Venus and above, and the effect of the meridional shear of the wind and the vertical variation of the static stability are also considered. Moreover, these dispersion relations allow building dispersion graphs for different regions of the atmosphere of Venus and classifying a number of waves identified in Venus Express remote sensing data.


24 de maio de 2013 | 14:30

OAL - Seminar Room
Tapada da Ajuda - Edifício Leste - 2º Piso
1349-018 Lisboa

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