Open positions for Postdoc and PhD candidate in Warsaw, Poland



Open post-doctoral position in astrophysics

Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS, invites appplications for a post-doctoral position, founded from the research grant "Astrophysics of the processes around compact objects" under the supervision of prof. Agnieszka Janiuk.


We invite researchers with a PhD degree in astronomy, physics or related discipline. The candidates must have a degree or provide evidence in the form of a letter from their supervisor thar will obtain their PhD degree before the satrting date.


The applications should contain cover letter, curriculum vitae, description of past research activities and present interests (3 pages maximum), as well as photocopies of passport/ID and PhD diploma. Also, two letters of reference, should be arranged and sent directly to


The appointment will be initially for 1 year with a possibility of extension for additional 2+2 years subject to satisfactory performance and contingent upon funding.


The successful candidate should heva experience in computational astrophysics. Additional experience in the high-level data analysis is valued. He/she will work on the modeling and interpretation of astrophysical phenomena in the environment of compact objects: accreting black holes or neutron stars. gamma ray bursts and quasars. The observed phenomena span a large range of the energy spectrum (radio, optical, X, and high-energy gamma-rays) as well as various timescales for theoretical modeling.


Applications should be sent by e-mail to, with CC to, as well as the signed hardcopies of all documents must be delivered to:
Center for Theoretical Physics
Al. Lotników 32/46
02-668 Warsaw, Poland
- with a note "Post-Doc application"
before the deadline of April 02, 2013. The applications submitted after this date might further be taken into consideration until the position is filled. The contact is scheduled to start on July 1 2013, however, the date isnegotiable.


The successful applicant will work in the Center for Theoretical Physics in Warsaw. The salary will be commensurate with salaries at our institute for researchers of similar status. The postdoc will have access to computational facilities and travel support.


For further questions please contact: prof. Agnieszka Janiuk (