PhD Position at the Institute for Astro-and Particle-Physics at Innsbruck University, Austria



PhD Position at the Institute for Astro-and Particle-Physics at Innsbruck University, Austria

We offer a 3-year PhD position (30 hours per week) in the fields of space physics / astrophysics / numerical methods. The candidate is expected to extend an existing numerical MHD code (Cronos) by a new finite volume discretisation based on so-called logically rectangular grids. This work will be applied within numerical models of the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium, i.e. of the heliosphere with a particular focus on its heliotail.

The position is part of a joined project between Ass-Prof. Dr. R. Kissmann at Innsbruck University and PD. Dr. H. Fichtner at Bochum University, with this position to be located at Innsbruck University.

Applicants are expected to hold a Master degree / diploma in physics, astrophysics, space sciences, mathematics or computer sciences. Due to the strong numerical focus knowledge of numerical methods and programming in C++ is required.

Applications are accepted until the position is filled. Please send your application with the usual documents (also in electronic form) to: Mag. Leonie Werner, Institut fuer Astro-und Teilchenphysik, Leopold-Franzens-Universitaet Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 25/8, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria


For questions and electronic applications please contact: