Gr@v Seminar - Black Hole Scattering with Numerical Relativity - 5 novembro 2012



Black Hole Scattering with Numerical Relativity

Hirotada Okawa

Instituto Superior Técnico - CENTRA


Abstract / Resumo

Numerical relativity in higher dimensional spacetimes has been one of powerful tools to study various phenomina such as the stability of higher dimensional black holes and the verification for higher dimensional gravity. It was pointed out that the higher dimensional Planck energy could be around TeV scale and high energy particle collisions could produce black holes. It is widely believed that although quantum effects should be taken into account over the Planck scale, during high energy collisions of particles, physical processes characterized by the length scale shorter than Planck length are hidden inside black holes. Because the phases of black hole production at trans-Planckian energy are described well by general relativity in higher dimensions, we could use high-velocity black hole collisions to investigate such a phenomenon. In this seminar, after reviewing higher dimensional numerical relativity shortly, we will show the results of black hole collisions and especially discuss the scattering of two black holes in higher dimensions.


5 de novembro de 2012 | 14:30



GAP Room
Physics Department Aveiro University
Campus de Santiago
3810-183 Aveiro, Portugal