Gr@v Seminar - From the dark ages to dark energy: Cosmology with the next generation of radio telescopes - 29 outubro 2012



From the dark ages to dark energy: Cosmology with the next generation of radio telescopes

Mário Santos

Instituto Superior Técnico - CENTRA


Abstract / Resumo

A new generation of radio telescopes with unprecedented capabilities for astronomy and fundamental physics will be in operation over the next few years. I will address some of the possibilities for Cosmology offered by this new generation of telescopes, such as ASKAP, MeerKAT, LOFAR and the future SKA. In particular I will describe how they can be used to probe the Epoch of Reionization, a crucial stage in the history of galaxy and structure formation and even the preceding dark ages before the first luminous objects formed, as well as probe the nature of Dark Energy at lower redshifts using very large continuum sky surveys.


29 de outubro de 2012 | 14:30



GAP Room
Physics Department Aveiro University
Campus de Santiago
3810-183 Aveiro, Portugal