Winter School - From Classical to Quantum GR, 16-18 January 2013, Sussex, UK



Winter School - From Classical to Quantum GR, 16-18 January 2013, Sussex, UK


Winter School

From Classical to Quantum GR: Applications to Black Holes


This short Winter School is aimed at postgraduate students and young postdoctoral fellows. The program will consists of reviews of general relativity, quantum gravity, astroparticle physics and black hole physics. The emphasis of the lectures will be on how to probe new gravitational effects using colliders and astrophysical observations.


David Champion (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie)
Panagiota Kanti (University of Ioannina)
Claus Kiefer (Universitaet zu Koeln)
Iossif Papadakis (University of Crete)
Eram Rizvi (Queen Mary, University of London)
Elizabeth Winstanley (University of Sheffield)


This school is supported by the COST action black holes in a violent universe MP0905. There's no financial support to participants. Although there is no registration fee, we ask that participants register as soon as possible in order to plan an appropriate lecture theatre.

Accommodations in Brighton are plentiful. The University of Sussex is located in Falmer which is a short bus or train ride away from Brighton. The University maintains a list of recommended hotels. Please have a look at the following link for directions to the University.


University of Sussex
Physics and Astronomy
Brighton, BN1 9QH
United Kingdom
Room: Pevensey 1 2A12