Postdoctoral position in stellar and exoplanetary research
By NelmaS on Qui, 16/08/2018 - 22:24
Postdoctoral position in stellar and exoplanetary research
The University of Vienna announces availability of a 2-year postdoctoral position in the field of exoplanetary research. The position is part of the Star and Planet Formation group of Prof. Manuel Guedel that hosts a large national research program on planet formation, exoplanetary atmospheres and exoplanetary habitability. The aim of this position is to support and contribute to the EU H2020 project on "Exoplanet Atmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis (ExoplANETS_A)".
We seek an excellent candidate to contribute research to the international EU H2020 project "Exoplanet Atmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis (ExoplANETS_A)" and to the University of Vienna group's research area on habitable planets and the role of host star output (radiation and winds). Specifically, the candidate will be part of work package 4 (WP4) of the ExoplANETS_A project, the major tasks being the assembly and computation of complete stellar spectra from the optical to the ultraviolet, EUV, and X-rays, based on models (partly already developed in the group) and observations (being collected by the project); and second, the application of already developed stellar wind models to specific host stars. The candidate will be in close contact also with work package 5 devoted to the modeling of exoplanetary atmospheres under the influence of stellar output, with the goal of understanding atmospheric chemical development, atmospheric losses and in some cases the emergence of habitable environments.
The Department provides a lively research environment including approx. 70 staff members, postdocs, and PhD students. For numerical work, the Vienna Scientific Cluster will be accessible. There are also many opportunities to interact within ongoing or planned instrument projects for example related to Plato, CHEOPS, Athena, ESO E-ELT, and other observatories. Funds are made available to support travel expenses and conference participation. Participation in some university teaching tasks is possible and welcome.
Requirements: Doctoral degree in astronomy/astrophysics, preferentially with expertise in stellar and/or exoplanetary research (theory, modeling or observations), although related fields will also be considered. Excellent skills in independent research and project development. Knowledge of/interest in physical processes related to radiation (in particular UV, extreme UV, and X-ray), spectra (UV, EUV, X-ray), and also solar/stellar winds.
Application procedure: Applications include a motivation letter addressed to Prof. Manuel Guedel, a CV, a publication list, a summary (max. 3 pages) of past research and experience related to the position offered here. These documents must be submitted electronically as a PDF file to the university's Job Center,, referring to Job code 8838 (where some additional information can be found). Review starts 1 September 2018. Applicants should arrange for three letters of reference sent by the referees directly to jobcenter @
The position should be filled at the earliest possible date, and preferably between 1 November 2018 and 1 March 2019. It is available for two years but at most until 31 March 2021.
Closing date: 2018-08-31
Contact: Manuel Guedel