IA/U.Lisboa Seminar - Towards an understanding of the ISM in galaxies through the combination of (...) - 9 maio 2017
By NelmaS on Dom, 07/05/2017 - 20:48
Towards an understanding of the ISM in galaxies through the combination of high-resolution ALMA data and a coherent modelling of the gas photo-ionisation
Carlotta Gruppioni
Osservatorio Astronomico de Bologna
I will present new results obtained by combining Spitzer and Herschel spectroscopic data and ALMA observations for nearby Seyfert galaxies / LIRGs, trying to give a coherent picture of the processes at play in these composite galaxies. A complete understanding of the gas and dust properties within these objects, powered by both AGN and star-formation activity, is pursued by comparing the data with a gas photoionisation model. Moreover, in order to help interpret our data, we have taken advantage of a model studying the kinematics of gas.
9 de maio de 2017 | 15:00
Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa (Seminar room)
Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-018 Lisboa
IA Seminars webpage