32º Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica


XXXII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica (ENAA)

O XXXII Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica (ENAA) terá lugar nos dias 05 e 06 de setembro de 2022 na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL). O evento é organizado pelo CENTRA em parceria com a SPA e a FCUL.
Por fim, voltamos a ter um encontro presencial!

** in English:

The XXXII National Meeting of Astronomy and Astrophysics will take place on September 05-06, 2022, at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL)The event is organised by CENTRA in partnership with the SPA and  FCUL.
We are finally back to a face to face meeting! 
VENUE: The meeting will take place in amphitheatre 6.1.36 (C6 Building, next to the cafeteria) Check the MAP.
Conference PROGRAMME (Updated Sep 4)
This year, 2022, has been  exceptional for Portuguese astronomy, with three ERC advanced grant recipients and the winner of the first edition of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Astronomy Education Prize.
- Nuno Santos (IA- CAUP): "PoET: a solar telescope for planet hunters", Sep 5, 10:15
- João Alves (U. Vienna): "The 3D motion of the ISM with ESO and ESA telescopes", Sep 5, 14:00 
- Rosa Doran (NUCLIO): "The power of collaboration in Astronomy Education", Sep 6, 14:15
- Vitor Cardoso (CENTRA- IST, Niels Bohr Institute): "The discovery potential of black holes", Sep 6, 15:45
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is open until August 24 (CLOSED)
REGISTRATION is required and open until August 31 (CLOSED). Contact the LOC for late registration.
The registration fee includes the conference dinner on September 5 and lunch for both days.
- Regular fee: 70 €
SPA member (with annuities paid up to 2022): 60 €
MSC/BSc/PhD Student: 40 € 
Payments should be made via wire transfer to the following account:
Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia
IBAN: PT50 0035 0194 00003196330 71
A proof of payment should be sent to to the LOC: enaa2022@sim.ul.pt
UPLOAD your presentation here. (NEW)
Scientific Organising Committee - SOC
Ana Afonso (IA, CAUP)
António Amorim (CENTRA, FCUL)
Elisa Delgado-Mena (IA, CAUP)
Giuseppe Fanizza (IA, FCUL)
João Fernandes (CITEUC, UC)
David Hilditch (CENTRA, IST)
Joana Latas (NUCLIO, CIEP-UE)
André Moitinho  - Chair  (CENTRA, FCUL)
Kora Muzic (CENTRA, FCUL)
Ângela Santos (IA, CAUP)
Local Organising Committee - LOC  (enaa2022@sim.ul.pt)
André Moitinho (Chair)
António Amorim (Co-Chair)
Kora Muzic
Duarte Almeida
Gonçalo Fernandes
Lara Piscarreta

Organização e apoios / Organisation and support:


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